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salty dog

a man usually between ages 16-65 who has so much self confidence, they believe they can get with any girl by A- making cat noises , B- trying multiple times to make a move and get denied EVERYtime , C- touch a girl in her "private" area when it is clear he is unwanted , D- texting her at 3 in the morning saying "yo can I come over?" , E- being too honest and saying , things like "you have a nice a*s" or "lets f*ck tonight".

ME - That guy is sucha salty dog, he text me at 3 last night asking to hang out.
FRIEND 1 - woww he texted me too!
FRIEND 2 - no way he called me last night!
FRIEND 3 - he asked if i was DTF

by Rachelx2 Hailey Steph Robyn December 29, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

Salty old dog

Charming yet sleezy.

Hey look at jake over there with all those girls! He's going to get laid tonight the salty old dog.

by Bees harrow March 27, 2015

Salty Chocolate Balls

It is a niggaโ€™s nut sack

This Girl Had My Salty Chocolate Balls in her mouth tonight

by A Tall Man Named Bababooey May 6, 2021

salty tootsie roll

To lick a man's testicles and jerk him off at the same time.

Last night she gave me a salty tootsie roll until I expoded through the center of my tootsie pop, "I wonder how many licks that took"?

by Sunset Will April 19, 2009

salty dog

When a male is standing out in the ocean and a female is completely submerged giving him a blow job.

Jan gave me a wicked salty dog in the Pacific the other day.

After she gave me a salty dog, I experienced chaffing.

by mc_stuff March 22, 2006

11๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž

Salty Sea Breeze

When you blow salt into a girls vagina. This causes the vagina to tighten.

I was about to bone this girl last night, but she was kind of loose so i gave her a salty sea breeze.

by BatsyBoy November 14, 2008

63๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

sweet and salty

process of grabbing one's penis and stroking till sweet and salty ejaculation comes out of the penis hole.

Man, that was really sweet and salty.

by Bob Tom III July 7, 2015

3๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž