The Muay Thai dragon tail sweep is a spinning low kick to your enemies' legs knocking them out from beneath them, then gravity does the rest. Since the sweep itself requires only minimal contact on a relatively lightweight part of the body, it is quite possible for the attack to follow through and hit more than one victim at once.
Phil preformed a dragon tail sweep on his daughters boyfriend before being tackled by his wife.
When you fart and laugh as you pass a group of passerby’s
He clown tailed me with a grin
another word for clit dick
when a girl/trans male or whatever has a vagina but they click big as a fuckin dick
"Yo you bang that chick last night?"
"Nah man she got a fuckin' lizard tail!! That shit was longer than my middle finger!!"
"That's fuckin' nasty dude goddamnnnn!!!"
When you shit yourself while riding your bicycle, and said shit hits your back tire then sprays upwards leaving a rooster tail pattern of shit up your back.
I had a greasy breakfast before that long bike ride which led to a Pooster-Tail. I feel bad for the guy behind me...
The impression of male genitalia seen from behind when tucked to the rear. Opposite of camel toe, and protruding to rear, like a camel’s tail.
She is beautiful, and has a camel’s tail; I don’t have to call Peg tonight.
When you hold on to something to twerk as a chicken
shes tail tucking all the time
When one person places mail inside the rectal cavity of their partner immediately after engaging in an act of sex.
angry sex forced sex forced entry insertions chain letter
while engaged in doggy style sex, the *angry "rear" partner pulls out and quickly forces ANY piece of mail (regular mail, advertisements, boxed package) into the anal cavity of the front partner while saying "Drop your tail here's your mail"!!
Under ordinary circumstances the immediate, uncontrollable, unconditioned reflex is to drop tail.
*NOTE: the majority of the time the ""rear" partner has just received a piece of mail officially addressed to the "front" partner. The mail is always addressed from a secret lover.
If you never get it, just be thankful.