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Arse nut

A bollock up an arse.
A dick that went to far.

Hey arse nut!! Slow down!! You're gonna drive through someone's wall!! CRASHHHH

by ti.sh August 23, 2021

Arse crisp

Arse crisp comes the latin term meaning " sore arse".. put simply, you've eaten too much shit food and drank too much. You have the shits to the point the hairs on your arse have cling-on's, giving rise to an "itch or soreness".. like you have a crisp up your arse.. hence.. ass crisp.

jesus man, after last night a have arse crisp!

by tudunk October 22, 2015

drag arse

Namely the word to describe your trainee engineer that turns up late with a can of energy drink everyday with more excuses than a pregnant nun.. The drag arse normally thrives on Lemon Haze and 500 calories a day

Why are you late again Drag Arse?

by Dordy Cacker December 12, 2020

Arse Baby

A baby born to a man through his arse hence arse baby

He had to relegate himself on Fifa as the games were too competitive, what an arse baby

by December 4, 2020

Arse Torpedo

To defecate with such force, it explodes out of your arse.

DON’T GO IN THERE!!! I just launched an Arse Torpedo into the toilet bowl!!!!

by DeeKay Heads November 20, 2021

Arse duster

Someone intent on sucking up to you no no matter what the cost.

Dave was a right arse duster today

by silkdriftwood November 22, 2014

Out on my arse

Being kicked out of your home, left alone with no where to live, ie homeless

My mam has left me out on my arse

by Ambergumna6891 October 19, 2019