Source Code

what's the story morning glory?

a question asked when talking to someone with a cocaine hang-over

hey, what's the story morning glory?

by madferit March 15, 2003

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chop chop story boy

when someone on TikTok adds all these unnecessary parts when reading a 5-minute long Reddit story, some jackass in the comments tells him "Chop chop story boy".


"chop chop story boy it has been five parts already!".

by redEminem October 21, 2023


A subject in School or College which is a mix of
- Inter-relations
- Bimbology (Dealing With Bimbo's and prostetutes)
- Geography (Where to find Bimbo's and prostetutes on
AN 0S Map and where the red light district
- History (The History of the Bimbo republic)

At my school we study Inter-Bimboligy-ography-story, recently we learned about inter-relations with Bimbo's in the red light district and their history.

by c.a November 5, 2006

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Toy Story 2

The second film of the Toy Story franchise, also known as one of those movies you can watch a million times and still end up forgetting what even happened.

Guy #1: Hey, have you seen Toy Story 2?
Guy #2: WTF! That exists?

by The only name not in use August 27, 2018

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Ghost Storying your Cock

When you hold your phone under your dick in a dark room with the flashlight on in order to get the perfect shot .

Person 1: "Hey bro, were you ghost storying your cock last night and sending the picture to a Philipino hooker?"

Person 2: "Yes, yes I did."

by BigDbandaid July 10, 2019

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Story City Iowa

A town in central Iowa with a population of about 3500. Surrounded by 500 miles of corn in all directions, located right on highway 35. Home to some of the most condescending asshole hillbillies you'll ever meet. Some of the attractions of this town include Kum and Go, The Carousel(which is only interesting to Chinese tourist), and the two parks located in the middle of town. The only reason anyone ever comes to this town is to stop and eat at one of the many poorly managed restaurant along the interstate. Living here is atrocious, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone with a steady income and a good head on their shoulders. The people there are weird, deranged, and want nothing to do with outsiders. The cops are absolute assholes, and the school system is an utter joke. And living there, even for a short period of time, will bore you to death. The only thing to do in Story City is to be a drunken, drug addicted hick. I would recommend avoiding this town, or any town north of Ames along interstate 35, until at least Albert Lea, Minn.

Tourist: So what do people from Story City Iowa do?
Story City Resident: Umm, not much, I've pretty much been sitting in my apartment smoking Crystal Meth for the past 10 years. So, that's about all there is to do here.

by ChicagoTribune May 6, 2013

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The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

The story of a man afraid of flying, and an angel afraid of falling, who somehow met in the middle. The man who denied the existence of angels came to love one. The angel who never felt began to feel. The man who was saved from an eternity in Hell by an angel. The angel who fell in every way imaginable for a man. The man, with a clear path to escape, decided instead to stay in Purgatory for a year, searching for his angel, praying to him every night. Begging. When he found him, he held him; he told him that he needed him, that he'd get him out, even if it killed them both. The angel rejected his faith, his family, his home, and everything he knew, so he could keep the man safe. They stay together despite fate, despite what they are, because they refuse to be pulled apart.

We're family. We need you. I need you.
I'm hunted, I rebelled, and I did it, all of it, for you.
"People aren't exaggerating when they call Destiel the greatest love story ever told."

by Samchester April 12, 2013

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