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Sean is someone who love to watch anime even tho anime is gay

Sean stop watching anime big bro

by Kkk12335 November 22, 2021



Sean is gay he like getting fucked by mark and starz

by Sean man November 21, 2023



Sean is gay he likes getting fucked

by Sean man November 21, 2023


No matter what anything that you do it will no matter what always be Sean’s fault. Everyone bullies him for no reason even if u feel sorry for him you continue to do it.

Me - I just jammed my balls in the blender
Friend - oh ffs seannnnnnn

by It’s ur fault November 23, 2021


A man who loves gabi luppino.

Yo that kid seans her

by Hhhh420 February 17, 2022


Seans are an extremely violent species. They may look nice on the outside, but on the inside they harbor deep feelings of resentment, and are ready to use that hate anytime anywhere. They are ready to punch you, and if they do, they'll give you a bloody nose. If they kick you, they kick you in your parts. If they push you, they'll push your chest.

Although they may be angry and mean, if you get close to them (which is really hard to break past their introverted exterior) you would see a nice person. (?) Seans may be mean, but they truly love defending their friends. Even going as far as gaslighting and manipulation. But that just shows how loyal they are, and if you become friends with them, you would become friends with a great person.

"Dam, Sean is glaring at me again. Im scared for my life."

by ohdearhehe October 30, 2023


a guy that gets no bitches at all and likes a girl that doesn't like him back and her name is shehera from 823.

Guy 1: "That's sean!
Guy 2: "The LOSER?"

by seanisagay6969 June 6, 2022