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Why is it good?!

This is said by a person who encounters and enjoys something (typically a piece of music) that is typically not well liked by others or viewed as strange.

*Big Iron in G major starts playing*
Me: "Yo why is it good?!

by Mr.Caids January 2, 2023

If I can make you do what I want and get away with it, why should I not?

Empathy for one. In the absence of empathy, if the amount of energy takes for you to get me to do a thing supersedes the amount of energy required for the thing to be done then it wouldn't be practical for you to make me do the thing. Additionally, my awareness of my own mortality makes it impossible for me to be perpetually made to do thing because I can always just kill myself. It incentivizes harming you and the things you care about. It gives your enemies a de-facto ally. But it's intriguing that you think that there is only one reason...

JeerpJoop "If I can make you do what I want and get away with it, why should I not?"

Hym "Well, for starters, there's more than one reason. Secondly, you literally can't. You can only leverage (either) my desire to live against performing the act OR the hope that I may not have to continue doing it indefinitely. Which is how you get people to stay in your suffering cult. You leverage their desire to live and their hope that their suffering will end to get them to do what you want or behave how you want to behave. It's actually kind of illuminating to because if you're God rewards screwing people over then is it not evil? Sounds evil. It ties back into you not actually believing in God but rather believing that God is on your side and that it will forgive you if you do the opposite of what it said."

by Hym Iam November 8, 2023

Why Is Food Good

Because it is

BOB: Why Is Food Good ?
Jimmy: Because it is, How is that a hard question

by Killin Hitman May 7, 2021

why do the moths come out

Why do the moths come out? Because George Clooney ate a banana horizontally. Mmm needs more. *laughs* mr capilli. I just got bit by a midgie *pommy accent* i just got back from a town in NSW

Me: Hey why do the moths come out??
Random person: well...

by THEREALMCMUFFIN November 13, 2022

Thot’s Why

A phrase where you can literally say after every sentence, question or comment to a thot.

You: I Wanna get some Dick for my pussy.
Me: Thot’s why she’s crazy.

by gregben February 22, 2022

Why are you fat

Why are you what you little Bi##h

Why are you fat? Im fat im THICC

by YEET THE THICC BOI August 6, 2020

why wawa?

when something doesn’t go your way you can say “why wawa :/“, or say it just to be funny, & u may even say it just to say it :)

*drops banana on ground*
whyyy wawa

*gets bad grade on test*


*laying in bed thinking about an embarrassing memory*
“why wawa? -_-“

by bahka78 November 2, 2021