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X (in math)

X has been mathematically proven being equal to 9. Famous mathematician Nicolai Svelland was the man to find out this miracle and solve many math problems across the world. (Nicolai is currently eating noodles and is solving Hodge conjecture)

You can X (in math) in problems such as x - 5 then you know it would be 4 since 9 -5 = 4
or you could drop the quadratic formula since you know its 9.

by Thicc Duck 69 September 15, 2021

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The coolest, sexiest, best RTCW player, ever!

Digital-X pwns j00.

by Meredith January 14, 2004

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X factor

A shit music talent seeking series that in the end, the losers are the real winners. known for manufacturing JLS, one direction and loads more retarded acts i don't wanna name cuz i'll get sick if i do.

Simon Cowell should just shut down X factor for life, cuz it's ruining the music industry with all their talentless excuses for artists

by weirdyrandommetal1977 April 8, 2015

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triangle x

this is normally said delta x but when taking my first calculus test i just said triangle because delta is a triangle this was a sign from God saying I shouldn’t be taking calculus

β€œHey I didn’t get the problem on the test with the triangle x”

β€œYou mean delta x”

by i_am_alive September 4, 2018

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chise x.

a retard of japanese background; not too fast on the uptake.

Stop being such a chise x!

by Chise X February 9, 2005

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"x" intensifies

Used to describe the "growing happiness/greed" of X entity.

Fedora guy: "***Tipping intensifies***"

Origin of this slang: Australia / With phrase: "WILDLIFE INTENSIFIES"

"x" intensifies

by STFUNIGGA August 18, 2019

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X & B

A power couple. Xavier & Briana. They are on and off constantly, but they will always love each other 'til death do them apart. People always think like, "Wow, they are still together?".

"Oh shit, look it's X & B! Wow, I can't believe that they're still together."

by owo14owo November 9, 2018

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