to contradict onesself so badly, that you actually make a total fool and retard of yourself in front of others, especially family members and significant others.
mother: I don't see the point of celebrating St Valentines any longer; your father din't get me anything this year.
teenage son: St Valentines is a meaningless capitalist holiday, where companies just profit from people uselessly wasting money buying flowers, chocolates and the entire spiel for their significant others. I would personally also shoot anyone who celebrates St Valentines, as in Al Capone and his St Valentines Day Massacre.
mother (sreaming at her son): you moron, this was a rhetorical comment... Oh, and btw, I didn't ask you to haze yourself. Didn't you say you liked socialism , since you called St Valentines a meaningless, useless capitalist holiday, and then you turned around and said, as a matter of oikos, that you were going to shoot, Al Capone-style, anyone who celebrates St Valentines, but in The United States of America shooting someone, and respecting the infalibility of the Second Amendment is a matter of oikos. Therefore, you believe in bringing your own arms and weapons to the fight, and therefore support capitalism. But you can't support socialism and capitalism at the same time.
To make small, manageable, and impactful changes in your daily life to create long-term benefits to your well-being.
A term coined by popular UK indie rock/pop band The Wombats.
"I'm so proud that you really managed to fix yourself happy!"
To masterbate
I wonder how you touch yourself, curse myself for being across the sea
rhetorical question designed to highlight the subject's idiocy, to the point that it's a marvel they are able to even do basic things like dress themselves
person 1: doesn't chocolate milk come from brown cows?
person 2: how do you dress yourself in the morning?
a nicer, more polite way of telling someone to gtfo and get lost-in combination and at the same time
Since gtfo by itself is too boorish rude to use, and get lost doesn't cut it anymore because most people have cars, it would probably be more appropriate to use the term drive yourself away; people can drive away from a given situation faster than they can physically 'get lost' by simply walking away.
When your friend says something stupid and he loses in a verbal fight
Sagid: did you know that chickens lay eggs?
Me: give yourself 2 for dat