saying "no" in a sarcastic, jerk kind of fashion
Jon: Hey guys, lets go fishing ... Guys: Yeah Beep !
Bro; dude; a real all inclusive form of n***a. Used by Kyle (SuperDuperKyle) in "To the Moon" in reference to Brick (SuperDuperBrick). The "yeah" can be optional.
You know Kyle?
Kyle, he's my nick, yeah.
Hey, shout out to Brick, yeah,
That's my little Nick, yeah,
Heck yeah; Hell yeah
An "Urban" version of saying "Heck/Hell yeah" populated by the Black community.
A Canadian phrase often said in response to really any sort of claim or statement from another Canadian. It is meant to mean "right on" or "how 'bout that". Very informal in nature, usually used in conversation between two guys who are friends or at least casual acquaintances.
Canadian Man 1: "So Donny was telling me the ponds are ready to go for the winter eh".
Canadian Man 2: "Oh yeah eh?"
A different way to say, you succeeded in an excess manner. You achieved what you were trying to do and more; shit was fire.
*friend sends you a video of them singing (it’s fire)
“what you think?” - friend
“yeah. you got it.” - you
A group of little to very low value women that have nothing to offer other than what's between there legs
Yeah the girls
Dude Bro Yeah is a "code phrase" for a combination of any two girls that you like, or think is very attractive. For example "Dude" being the face, and "Bro" being the body. and "yeah" just meaning "damn son ;)"
Me:Hey Evan!! Whos your Dude Bro Yeah?