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Chapstickin' the ass

When one applies rootbeer flavored chapstick to his phallus, or dick, or anything really. For the function of lubricant, and to make blowjobs/ass-to-mouth more desirable, and delicious!

Stacy: I want it in my ass!

Steve: Give me a second, baby. *Applies chapstick*

Stacy: What are you doing?

Steve: Chapstickin' the ass.

by OrangeOlives November 29, 2011

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Ass Burp

An ass burp is similar to a fart, in that it may be just as loud or quiet, but does not have the classic defining odor.

See also Butt Burp.

I nearly ran from the room when dad let a big one rip, but when I didn't smell anything, I realized it was just an ass burp!

by JayArr June 21, 2011

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throw ass


stacy can’t throw ass for shit

by sakisauce November 13, 2018

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Christmas ass

The extra poundage resulting from consuming too many drinks, cookies, cheese balls, etc. at holiday parties.

"My jeans that fit a month ago don't now because I have Christmas ass."

by creepingphlox January 3, 2010

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Ass Betting

Betting money that one doesn't have.

U keep Ass Betting and u won't make a very good reputation for yourself!

by Howard_HUZE May 9, 2017

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ass tetris

n. the act of multiple people trying to fit their asses into the backseat of a car.

The three of us had to play ass tetris to fit into the backseat of that Civic.

by ChelleSparks February 2, 2010

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Cracking Ass

(verb) pennsylvanian for farting loudly or violenty.

John just ate 10 tacos and is cracking ass like a muthafuka

by chewey March 20, 2006

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