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A Brooke is the funniest person you ever will meet they are so energetic and very beautiful. They are very smart and sassy and have an amazing sense of style. A Brooke is loyal and kind but if you are their enemy you will die. One tip don't EVER NEVER EVER become an enemy of a cancer Brooke if you already have you don't have much time left so tell your family you love them.A Brooke with always be their for her friends so meet a Brooke.

Brooke is amazing

by duhlolofc May 4, 2022


Brooke is just an average JV softball player

Oh you play in JV such a brooke

by Lukeycharms11 August 26, 2019


Brooke is a hot ass girl and she got a phatty

I like brooke

by Tert April 24, 2021


Brooke is a sexy, beautiful girl. She has high moral standards. She is vary capable of taking care of herself, she doesn't like feeling that she needs to rely on other people. She doesn't like to admit she needs others. Since she has been hurt in the past. She is the most beautiful, but she dose not know it. People see her as confident and brave but deep down she thinks she is ugly. She is vary out spoken and relys more on 1or2 friends instead of many. She speaks her mind and hates being told what to do. She is always a happy person that smiles all the Time even when things are rough and she is in pain. She is all ways positive and is a fast thinker. She is vary smart, can remember interesting facts. She loves her friends and is vary loyal to them she would never leave them

i love you brooke
brooke you are amazing

by Yours_truly_youre_welcome June 3, 2021


Fairy emo goddess. You get nightmares from looking in her eyes. She hates kids and puppies. Amazing style! Very opened minded and will make you feel like an idiot if you are being one but loves you to death and just wants to make sure you’re ok.

“Oh look.. Brookes making kids babies cry again”

by CarissaFostervold March 15, 2021


Brooke is a very short but has a great personality and makes a great girlfriend. Brooke will usually get mad for no reason

Person: hey Brooke how’s it going
Brooke: stfu whore

by Thomas1209486 March 9, 2022


One of the cutest guys you'll ever meet. Often childish with the most ridiculous sense of humor, but once told, he'll grow up. For a long time, brooke will be stupid and maybe a bit mean, but in time of knowing him, he can become the sweetest, funniest, sexiest guy you'll ever meet. All the girls have a crush on him all the time. Whether they know it or not, they are all on his lost to go out with next. Even though he matures eventually, he always retains that childish humor and laughs at the stupidest words. Always the guy to laugh in Sex Ed. And most likely be kicked out for that reason. Brooke can be whoever's, but you'll always love him. Hes ways in the back of your mind and you can go out with whenever. Hes just one of those guys.

Girl1(over him): look at brooke. Got another girlfriend
Girl2(crushing): that wont last long....

by Emzy S. August 30, 2019