A person who has a cramp in there neck from pushing the button on their phone while playing online slots!
How does she get a Button Neck from playing on the phone ?
A bullshit button is a button with a bunch of phrases (ex: now that isn't even bullshit thats horseshit)
A bullshit button is used when someone says something that is bullshit
Anus, butt hole, brown starfish. The belly button look alike of your ass.
Ashley says her back belly button is fresh, clean, and hairless after laser hair removal.
Pushing in the tip of your penis to feel an erotic sensation while masturbting.
Yo, did you hear Kyle Button Bopping in the school bathrooms? He's so weird.
when you are a board trustee and press a button to allocate the funds
yesterday, I got approval from the CEO so I pressed the allocation button
A metaphorical or literal button that sends you into full panic mode. Whether it's waking you up at an ungodly hour, triggering anxiety in stressful situations, or being the last resort in a crisis—pressing the "alarm button" means it's time to freak out or act fast. Often associated with early mornings, deadlines, and life's unexpected curveballs.
I hit the alarm button when I realized my 50-word essay was due in an hour. I’m such a slow typer!
beardy button (n) - when a man's beard flawlessly blends into his chest hair, which then reaches all the way to his belly button.
"You got a beardy button dude" - Tipsy Roo