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Clam chowder

A name for a facial

Eww John get his clam chowder on me

by animetiddies.com January 10, 2018

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Clam chowder

Pour A bowl of mayonnaise lightly into a clitorous and use your pearly whites for a midnight snack.

I don’t like soup but man that’s one good clam chowder!

by Foourskin July 16, 2019

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Clam Burp

It smells just like you'd think. Basically a toxic queef that smells of old fish.

I was eating out this girl from the club, and she let out a hellacious clam burp that caused me to contract Hep B.

by Johnny Dog Nuts May 10, 2018

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cotton clam

When you break your dick in one's intestines trying to have anal with a prostitute.

He cotton clamed jarvaisha over the weekend.

by Me sexy lover April 18, 2016

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glam clam

a psychadelic phrase used to describe or declare an aesthetically or otherwise pleasing event. it is also used as a replacement of gay ray

wow, that is so glam clam

by lizardlover22 November 6, 2007

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velvet clam

A vagina that has been dusted in cocoa powder, and covered in vanilla frosting.

And then I got to taste the velvet clam.

by smelsworst April 27, 2017

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mudd clamming

When your girls ass so fine you don't mind eating her pussy from behind knowing your nose will be directly in her shitter...

Man, after "mudd clamming" her pussy , I had to wipe the shit off my nose...

by JohnsonSwellz May 30, 2016

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