When someone or something gets out of a uncomfortable situation really fast they Skert and Hit the Dab
"Damn, Kelly the other day was telling me about how her boyfriend wanted to Alabama butterfinger and so I Skert and Hit the Dab.
Adult who smokes dab to the point they can't function in life
That dab baby couldn't get up for work , now he has no job.
It is an indian nickelodeon commercial. It is tend to make your teacher more cooler. This is a thing in teachers day meanwhile in india. The one who thinked the idea mustve thinked that more children will relate and be cool and watch nickelodeon more. And is high on LSD while thinking the idea.
It contains of these characters inside the commercial.
_Motu & Patlu
-Gatu & Pattu/Battu
-Stupid Red Shorted Green shirted Blue shoed guy
To do this ritual you must have:
Cool clothes
New hand
Then you can do the D se dab ritual.
Stupid: Attendance! Motu Patlu
Motu & Patlu: Prezzent
Stupid: Gatu Pattu/Battu
Gatu & Pattu/Battu: Preszint!
Stupid: Ninja!
Ninja: Brezent!
Stupid: Kenichi!
Kenichi: Bruhzent!
Stupid: Our topic head D se dab!!!
DAB!!! 5x
Stupid: In a cool clothes + Attitude + New hand moves and DAB!!!
And DAB!! 4x
Person: Let teachers they let the kids teach you how to be cool! Lesson new teachers nickelodeon site without gurukuls.
Rob: Endgame has the best crossover
Tom: No D se dab is.
Dipping your balls in a dead persons ashes.
Lol I jus sherbet Dib dabbed Ben's gran
When you smoke so much dab oil your mouth and tongue are like double sided sticky tape.
I'm goin' to the store, I have some serious dab mouth.
British slang term for masturbation.
“Man I just had the best time dabbing janks.”