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White Man's Disease

A term that's been in use in sports for several decades indicating a person that can't jump high.

It's especially used in basketball, using the stereotype that white people can't jump

That guy's 6'5'' and he can't even hit rim.. Man, he's got a terrible case of White Man's Disease...

by Rodney J. Sanders June 14, 2010

30πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

Big-P Disease

When you become EXTREMELY sexy and charming with the voice and face of an angel. You can catch this disease by comming in contact with Pete Lepore.

" god damn, i wish i had the Big-P Disease because im an ugly shit. "

by Pimpin' Pete December 13, 2005

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Brett Favre's Disease

A douchebag who doesn't know when to quit.

Derived from Lou Gerig's disease

In 1939, when Gehrig sat for the first time in years after a streak of 2130 starts, the Detroit crowd gave him a standing ovation as he sat slumped in the dugout, his eyes welling with tears.

Favre's starting streak ending unlike Gehrig's after returning from countless retirements, to an awful season performance, a sexual harassment charge, and venom from the state that once loved him.

Favre was a douchbag to the very end:

β€œI heard people say β€˜Hate for the streak to end like this,’” Favre said. β€œEnd like what? It’s been a great run.”

Only in your mind Brett, only in your mind.

Why is Dave at the club? Isn't he like, 45 years old? Everyone thinks he's a joke out there dancing like that.

I know dude, but be a little bit understanding. He's got a bad case of Brett Favre's Disease.

After Tom sent those pictures to Jenny after her constant ignoring of his text messages he realized a horrible truth; He had Brett Favre's Disease.

by lawlawlaw December 14, 2010

9πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

mad clown disease

An affliction which causes a speech-related abnormality only when saying the word "unfortunately." Whereas a normal person would say "un-for-chun-it-lee," a person in the later stages of mad clown disease will say "un-for-toon-ut-lee," much like a homosexual penguin. It's passed from person to person (or penguin) through Paris Hilton. Mad clown disease was first discovered by Dr. Al K. Seltzer in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. You know, "South" Africa? Vast strides have been made in the fight against mad clown disease. As of yet, no cure is forthcoming, and the disease is viciously contagious. Currently, the method we are using to study the disease is spending time in the Paris Hilton (not the hotel). What? It's research!

Oh no, another outbreak of mad clown disease! Euthanize all penguins and Hilton sisters! Stay away from their orifices!

by Guoderaj March 16, 2008

10πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Stupid Bitch Disease

Describes a woman who has a consistent history of bad choices such as drugs, car accidents, promiscuity.

She wrecked her car and the cops found a gram of H in the console. She's really got the stupid bitch disease.

by Badger Burns December 21, 2011

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hitler disease

hitler disease is a condition in wich you can NOT stop making the nazi salute in the middle of history class or infront of some jewish people


by bigfatnazist October 16, 2022

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Slime Disease

A horrible mispronounciation of the Swine Flu. It's something you say when you cannot remember the actual name.

Tiffany: We're eating pork! We're gonna get slime disease
Kate:...Slime disease?
Tiffany: I can't remember the actual name!!
Kate: Swine flu?
Tiffany: YEAH!

by SisterN May 28, 2009

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