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A libation that consists of 2 oz tequila, 1.5 oz lemonade, 1.5 oz gingerale and .5 oz of lime juice. Served over ice.

I don't drink beer because it tastes like America. Instead I think I'll fufu it up and order an emo.

by dankpuffalot December 13, 2016


1. A type of style (black clothes, makeup, hair)
2. Music genre (My Chemical Romance)
3. A person who is "depressed" all the time and thinks of suicide

"Who are you exactly?" "I'm an emo who loves cake"

by Emo Douche March 15, 2015


A reference to giving a women head or eating her

Emo (eat me out)

Like men say smd (suck my dick) women would say emo (emo)
Her: you not finna put me in my place
Him: who won’t

Her: E.m.o

Him: bet

by Sex drive high asf February 10, 2019


Emo is a style of music and the way you dress based on your own personality.

Omygod dude, I love that band! The emo style is awesome!!

by xXVampireKissesXx December 12, 2009


Emo: a genre of music, usually applying to young teenagers that have long black hair, heavy eyeliner, black clothing, and like to express themselves. Emo people usually are the nicest people you will know once you break their shell, but that is only sometimes. This definition is not intended to be offensive to any Emo people.

The Emo band Pierce the Veil is often considered 'emo' music, such as Bring Me the Horizon, Falling in Reverse, Sleeping With Sirens, and All Time Low.

by whaddupimjared July 14, 2017


Often a word confused with a fuzzy red little creature who just likes to be tickled

Gjon- "Emo people are weird people that wear black and are really gay..."

Dan- "I thought he was the cute dude from sesame street... I'm pretty sure I saw his toy and it said to tickle him"

Gjon- "That's Elmo!"

Dan- "I've heard it both ways"

by DJamesK1 January 26, 2011


For your information this was written by a punk and not an emo, there's a difference

Emo or Emotive is a music movement that began in the mid-1980s in Washington DC. The "emo" genre is more of an umbrella of music genres such as post hardcore, pop punk, indie and other styles. The emo genre is often fused with other styles creating genres such as emo pop, emoviolence, and melodic emocore. There is also the emo subgenre of scream which uses a style of "screaming" along with or as the main vocals.

Then of course there's the stereotypical emo, skinny jeans, wears black and is an emotional mess. Wrong, most emos are not like that. They are more or less better in touch with their emotions than that girl on the cheer team. Yes, emos do tend to dress a certain way but every emo is different and will express themselves differently. A British metalcore emo will wear Asking Alexandria tanktops, a post hardcore emo will wear a Sleeping With Sirens sweatshirt, a powerviolence emo will wear a Kuza shirt, everyone is different.

Deal with it.

~Hail Satan and have a lovely afternoon~

Not all emos are emotional messes, some are just catholic whores currently enjoying a congress out of wedlock with their black jewish boyfriend who work at a military abortion clinic.

by The Infamous Turtlesaurus August 3, 2017