The attractiveness of a female on a scale of one through ten.
"Damn, She is hot. A definite 7/10"
"Her beauty can't be described by the 1-10 Female attractiveness scale."
For y'all hood thots
A: Hot or nah?
For y'all bougie niggas
It's a fundamental cast or rank system to rate a bitch's attractiveness, its used throughout the world to centuries and it helps niggas who stupid about a bitch but she ugly
Dayshawn- "yo u see Kiki the other day bruh?! Yo she bad asf yo I swear bruh."
Ralph- "nigga if you don't get yo likkity split nick nack patty wack ass outta here boii, that bitch a straight 3 or 2.5 nigga stop lying bruh." And "that bitch in the 1-10 (female Attractiveness Scale) is a ugly bitch."
The scale which defines women on a scale. However, its almost always used incorrectly. The common use is to rate her with 1 number, 1-10. Therefore a 6 is nearly a 7, a 9 is nearly a 10, etc. In reality, she ia supposed to be grades twice, of not more! The PROPER scale grades her once from the neck up, and again from the neck down, then mutiply the 2 actual reading is from 1 to 100!! And women with 2 9s is much further above 2 8s! You can get an ever better yet more complicate scale using 3 ratings.
I was with a couple 40s on the 1-10 female attractiveness scale last night! Unfortunately, both were 10s for you pretty much wanna put bags on their heads! Awsome. But ughh!
When you're walking down the street with your bud and there are some ladys walking by you can use the female attractiveness scale from 1 (please kill me) to 10 (not existing beauty) to give your bud information about your boner.
person a: i think Laura is like a 6 on the 1-10 Female attractiveness scale, what do you think?
Guy- Damn look at Ava she's a 9.5 on the 1-10 female attractiveness scale
Girl-Eh I'd say a 7
A scale used for determining how hot a chick is. 1 is ugly as fuck, 10 is "I would destroy that pussy instantly". In some extreme cases, a girl can be below a 1, or above a 10.
Typically, you don't say "On the 1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale, that girl's a...". You just say what her number/rating is, and the scale is implied.
"Hey man, have you seen how hot Sally is?"
"Yeah, she's easily an 8".
"Aw gross, have you seen that bitch's face?!"
"Yeah, she's definitely a 2."
How fuckable a woman is as a package, weighing her ugly traits against sexy ones.
Example: UFC fighter Bethe Correia. Her face looks like Javier Bardem in the movie No Country For Old Men, but her body and ass are a solid 10. She averages out to a 7.
- "Hey man, how would you rate Sandra at the office on the 1-10 Female attractiveness scale bra?"
- "She's ugly as shit but her ass is magnificent so she's like a 6 or 7 bra."