Another way of saying your penis got wet or losing your virginity.
dude 1: i heard you went home with that girl last night
dude 2: yeah man pappa got slippery
Overwhelming feelings of extreme loss; having senses of firm grasp over your life and your goals and gnash they've evaded you or were stolen.
Your inner soul has been sucked dry; you begin to take and hasty measures agaisnt yourself and dwindle into a life of extreme masochism.
Cmon man you used to be the life of the party until you got joffed! Yup, poor guy he's as lifeless as an empty tuna can now.
Man, I got a heat on last night. Or, he's got a heat on.
A woman's ass and or titties are on point.
Damn Billy Ho did you see Nikki?
Yeah man she was wearing them clothes. She's got talent for real.
To be hammered as hell. Comepletely destroyed by alcohol
Dude did you see David last night? He got pined. Im not sure if he blacked out or not.
a yeeter got yeeted when a yeeter got trown
yeeter: dont yeet me
not yeeter: (trows hem) yeet
the yeeter got yeeted
Your pride and dignity just exploded like a teeny kitten
Mum just went to get some yogurt but found out that someone had duped her by emptying the container during the night. "Ya got duped bro"