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Human suitcase

Its when a midget on roller-skates wears all of your clothes and you pull him/her through an airport

Look at that man's human suitcase!

by RJMAVS369 February 13, 2011

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A midgit on roller skates that you put all your clothes on and pull through the airport.

Does having a human suitcase count as fascism?

by lithuanianminion February 21, 2011

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Human garbage

The FBI/DHS, local police, and everybody who gangstalks with them. Particularly nig**** and fa**ts, and everyone in the state of Colorado. P**ch them in the mouth with brass knuckles stupid s***.

I hate human garbage in Colorado Springs and Denver that gangstalks me and am going to r*** there wife's in front of them.

by TI Satan November 23, 2022

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Human Scum

What you are when you do something so bad that you can hardly live with the fact that you can still be called human.

I only had enough money to pay the bill and not enough to tip for the wonderful service. I feel like Human Scum.

by Wildburr January 15, 2016

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human virus

A human virus is someone who infects everything and everyone around them with their toxic personality. A human virus spends their time collecting gossip about others and then spews it all over every person who happens to come upon them. They love to infect friendships pinning friend against friend, they attack people’s relationships, they spew venom at others accomplishments and tend to throw their judgmental green snot at anyone on their radar who thinks viruses are gross. They also tend to try to infect any organized groups

( like sports teams, dance clubs, school volunteer organizations, political groups) that have systems of order because the human virus does not want to deal with conflict in a healthy and constructive way. The human virus would rather infect the groups with rumours and chaos. When the human virus 🦠 infects an innocent bi-stander ( remember virus disguises themselves as smart and successful even though they have never truly accomplished anything) they have the ability to cause blindness and absess in the brain making one unable to see proper truths or be able to think for themselves. Others with a more hearty immune system tend to be repelled by the human virus and try to stay away from the human virus at all costs. Unfortunately when the human virus is so out of control, some people tend to befriend the virus so the virus will leave them alone and not attack them as well.

Willow is a human virus, she spews disease on everyone.

Of course she believes Willow, Willow has infected her with the human virus. She is now a lost cause.

by Haddsm210 February 9, 2019

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Apples Against Humanity

Mixing the cards in the games "Cards Against Humanity" and "Apples to Apples." It allows for adults to have fun but show some respect to children.

Everyone wanted to play Cards Against Humanity, but since it was a kids party we played Apples Against Humanity.

by Extra Mayo May 19, 2015

Detroit Become Human

A game that I waited 4 1/2 fucking years to come out. But it was worth it.

Friend: Hey @GothThespian on IG?


Friend: Are you playing Detroit Become Human for the 3rd time just to get a different ending even though you watched it online?


by GothThespian July 12, 2018

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