We all know that modern women in today's world have super high standards and expectations for men. The Nine Sixes evaluates men based on their bodies, income, and sexual prowess.
1. 6-figure salary.
2. At least 6 feet tall.
3. At least 600 horsepower in his car.
4. A 6-pack abdomen.
5. At least 6 months since last relationship.
6. At least 6 inches below the belt.
7. Must have at least 6 years of college/university. (Possessing a Master's degree or higher.)
8. Owns at least 6 businesses.
9. At least 6 notch count.
You'll never be able to meet the requirements of a modern-day woman, Jack. They have Nine Sixes now.
Six gals at a party they all kiss but they don't do it because they're lesbian because they're trying to make their boyfriends jelous.
Six gals are always trying to make their boyfriends jealous because they're cheating.
I giga chad that passes all giga chads
For example six months me is destroying you
Rainbow Six Siege is a Game published By Ubisoft, and Directed in Ubisoft Montreal, The game is 5v5 on occasional maps, most populer in Custom games is House, Most Features Of the Game is Crouching, Aiming, But no Jumping, And its community is fucking toxic god damn it.
Player 1: your fucking trash kid unistall Rainbow: Six Siege right now
Player 2: this is casual not ranked.
A varaition of a "six-pack" of beer, similar to "sixer" or "a six of...". Origin: south side of Chicago.
"You headin' to the liquor store? Grab me a six pail of tall boys, would ya? Here's a fiver."
A friend who would kill for you making them your Six Gun
*You friend kills someone who attacks you* You: Your my Six Gun bro.
Six loose cans of beer, which do not necessarily match, removed from a fridge and placed into a plastic shipping bag and brought to a social gathering.
What are you bringing to the party?
A Jenson six-pack