A soap for those especially cocky and arrogant. When not wanted to be embarrassed, Jason Soap is a good excuse, as you can blame it as a rash effect.
“Why is Dylan’s face so red?”
“Idk, but he blamed it on Jason Soap”
A man with a fantastic mustache.
"Dang, that guy is a real Jason Neymeyer! Neato 'stache, dude."
Person 0: 《¤》Jason 《¤》 Mantzoukas 《¤》 Jason 《¤》
An annoying ass cat that gives no fucks but I still love him because he's Jason's cat.
Damn Jason's cat is back at it again because Mel is obsessed with that dumb shit
Jason is a retard who cant play any video games. He is shit at almost every single one but one. Farming simulator. He is also a massive snowflake who can’t take a ducking joke for being shit at every game
You’re such a jason murphy
“goes offline”
Type of wooded landscape, usually in the middle of FUCKING nowhere, where it would be difficult to escape a certain masked killer.
I'm not going to your house, you live in Jason country!