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Reaction Kiss

When you have a significant other but someone else kiss's and you kiss back because it takes a few seconds to register what's actually going on. It's not concidered cheating

i couldn't help it, that was just the reaction kiss

by thishappenstoeveryone March 1, 2011

Kiss the Unicorn

When you're eating the asshole and jacking the dick at the same time.

Crystal said "she doesn't believe in Unicorns." I said "so how would you like to kiss the unicorn?" She said "she'd love nothing more." So, I showed her the back door.

by Reece Duval December 27, 2019

Shin Kisses

Shin kisses is when a man is pissing and the water splashes back up and hits his shins

Kyle: Aw man I just got shin kisses all over me
Dravin: Yeah bro shin kisses are the worst

by IEatDooDoo April 16, 2021


(noun) The act of inserting a finger into a woman's anus due to an inability to find her vagina. Named after the infamous "beans" of Kinnelon, who beanz-kissed on three separate incidents.
(May be used as a verb)

Did you hear about what Connor's last night?
Yeah, Beanz totally fingered that girl's butthole!
Oh, shit! I thought he just gave her a tallahasse taint rub! I didn't know he beanz-kissed her!

by #bobbysuedal March 29, 2014

Kiss the Concrete

The act of recieving road rash after sliding across concrete, asphault, or gravel at speeds. Typicaly used when referring to wrecking a motorized open vehicle i.e. dirtbike, motorcycle, atv, etc.

Person- So i heard John decided to kiss the concrete three days after he bought his crotch rocket, that blows.

by whocares005 July 7, 2009

milk kiss

When someone cums in your mouth and you kiss someone else

Dude?! I just gave a milk kiss to Jenny?!

by McDonald's cum October 3, 2021


A big shitty cold sore, that takes away ones kiss-ability for two weeks, in effect preventing you from going out, or from picking up a girl (or guy) during that time.

That kiss-blocker on her mouth looks horrible. She won't be making out tonight.

Jackass had just sorted his pickup-lines, when he noticed Melanie's kiss-blocker.
Without missing a beat, he eyed up Melanie's cute ass friend.

by Rifwalker July 11, 2010