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Mr mountain

The guy with the biggest dick and the biggest brain absolute peak of masculinity and the best teacher one could wish for.
His testosterone levels are higher than snoop dog

Maciej :Mr mountain is such a guy .
Ethan : ikr I would smash

by God at guitar 84 February 6, 2023

Mr. Coconut

A coconut from TDI. (Total Drama Island)

Owen (A character from TDI) grabs a random coconut that fell off a tree and names it "Mr. Coconut" which annoyed Heather, Duncan, and Gwen. (also characters from TDI) Mr. Coconut stays with Owen for that whole episode, until Chris Mclean (The host of the show) throws him into the water to avoid anyone else getting off at the voting ceremony. However, Duncan gets voted off in the voting ceremony the following episode.

Heather: Everything we discussed back there, stays back there.
Duncan: Oh yeah.
Gwen: No argument.

by ¯\_㋡_/¯ April 20, 2021

Mrs. Davis

Mrs. Davis is the most rudest,terrible teacher in the whole fucking world she’s is a bitch that doesn’t give 3 shits about her student except for the stupid bitch’s favorite student

Ethan “ Mrs. Davis is a fucking bitch
Gianni “ I know right she fucking screamed in my face for eating my lunch!”

by Hate teachers 🙄 November 1, 2019

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Mr. Juice

A name given to a professional athlete that uses or used steroids. Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, Jose Canseco, Jason Giambi, Rafael Palmeiro, etc

Barry Bonds should be known as Mr. Juice for using steroids

by JoseG June 23, 2007

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Mrs. Puff

A teacher who can stand the dumbest kids ever. Can also be used as a verb (as in "pulling a Mrs.Puff)

"Dude, she pulled a Mrs. Puff when Jimbo asked a question she just answered."

by Not John Doe April 10, 2015

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mrs. chow

A fat old lady with a point of mug stuck on her face. she works in La Salle collage in Hong Kong. Her voice is like a bus beeping and she loves NICK FUNG!!!

Mrs. Chow gave 500 marks in 300 in the exam.

by NICK NICKLODEON December 16, 2016

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Mr. Khan

A funny dude who works at a gas station in Georgia?

Baylen and Noah: HEYYYY, MR. KHANN.

by wisconsinkid March 22, 2019

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