The rule of being positive in the Shed. The shed is located in Markiplier’s discord server, and is the motto of the Shed. This rule declares that we all shall be positive and clean all negativity in the shed.
The act of doing anything online, be it giving money, buying a certain thing you don't actually need, sending in pictures of yourself doing something stupid, JUST to be assigned a JPEG badge that gets assigned to your account that serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever other than unimpressive bragging-rights
Badge Mentality today has gone crazy, did you know if you don't $100 to SocialMediaCompanyX they give you a "I'm a nice person" badge?
When Something Is So Hot It Makes You Want To Orgasm.
when u kil somone noscope 360 headshot with the worst bloom sinper
When a person has “guest mentality” they like to use their expensive and fancy household consumables for themselves to enjoy rather than “saving it for when a guest comes”
Such items identified as: fancy soaps, expensive candles & other home fragrances, fancy cutlery & dining table cloths.
My mother definitely has guest mentality, she is burning a large jo malone candles
and it’s just me and her in the house.
Checking up on your partner and there mental health.
Him: Hey Mental check? How you feeling mentally?
Her: I'm doing okay today...Just a little overwhelmed with some stuff.
Him: Talk to me let it out.
Her: Explains..
Him: Listens.