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Your Mom

The most low effort way to annoy someone. Works effectively in some cases. Can make a situation awkward.

Friend: “What are you doing? Me: “Your Mom.” or it could be, Mom: “Where were you!!?” Me: Your moms house. Wait.”

by BJurv the Ambiguous May 25, 2022

your mom

cheese is made from milk.
it's good.
just like your mom-

a kid named Liam: cheese is good.
me: just like your mom!
him:..... but why though?
me: idk, because your mom is good?
him: *huge sigh*

by thatonepersonwholikesyourmom:) March 9, 2022

Your Mom

"Your Mom" The word that 12 year olds tell you on Xbox While playing call of duty to Start some shit

Me:Why do you Keep fucking camping
Him Becuase Your Mom

by FreshhMemes December 29, 2016

Your mom

The most badass comeback after you've been roasted by your mates.

My mate: Lol go commit bath toaster
Me: Your mom xd
My mate: oh jesus that was a bit too harsh

by Runiga September 19, 2018

Your mom

That fat hoe in the kitchen always taking bites out of your pop-tarts

"Wheres your mom?"
"In the kitchen baken my pop-tarts."
"Can I have a bite?"

by _ThatDonaldTrumpyBoi_ December 17, 2018

Your mom

The fatest living creature in the world, weights more than 50000 elephants

What's the biggest thing in the world?
Your mom

by Maxifire32 April 26, 2022

Your Mom


Your mom is gay