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low information syndrome

Low Information Syndrome inflicts its victims with a deep conviction that one does not need to be educated on topics that pertain to their lives. The inflicted person than chooses ignorance as an excuse to feel entitled to have everything for free.

Low Information syndrome really kept Shantytown from realizing its true potential.

by Observer/Witness/Story-keeper November 18, 2017

My battery is low

What you say when you turn on your smart phone.

I just got this smart phone and my battery is low. Damn, I just charged it this morning.

by sandog3939 July 18, 2011

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chain hang low

African American slang used to describe the fact that you have a long dick.

Dat bitch eyes open wide when I told her my chain hang low.

by Hangerdog October 19, 2006

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Low Frequency Bootilator

Another word for Notorious Abe behind the decks.

"She was fine, until she got zapped with the sounds of the Low Frequency Bootilator."

by Marcus Intalex May 19, 2003

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Show Low hoe

Literally almost every female in the town of Show Low Arizona

That girl over there is a total Show Low hoe.

by Stomper98 April 25, 2018

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stank on the down low

The act of having sex while in the immediate vicinity of other person(s) who are completely unaware that anything untoward is happening. Often happens at parties or to unwitting roommates

"Dude, I totally got some stank on the down low at that party yesterday - we had sex in the bathroom and nobody even noticed!

by DJ-Smexy March 23, 2009

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Unintentional Low Rider

A car packed with obese people unintentionally causing a low rider effect, often grinding on the ground creating a glorious river of sparks.

"DAMN! That unintentional low rider is leaving skid marks with its bumper! Poor thing..."

by <Shady> May 3, 2010

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