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Bella the wolf

1. Bella the wolf is a gacha idiot at the age of 3 that lies saying Queen Elizabeth, Technoblade, and SML are racist. She disrespect the military to get attention because she don’t get that with her parents because they hate her. HashtagYT😇 hates her also. She has fans that are her ALT accounts or troll accounts

Hashtag: you know Bella the wolf?
Friend: yes and she is cringe asf
Bella the wolf: I solo and can beat y’all up.
Bella’s fan: yes

Hashtag: we beat you cuz you weak asf

by HashtagYT😇 July 17, 2023

Violet Wolf

A sexy, edgy, tough female feminist who probably wears eyeliner and has dirty blonde hair; such as non-alchoholic Kesha, Scarrlett Johansen, Cara Delevinge, etc... Person is slightlyn tomboyish, but sexy and edgy

"All the Violet wolves are at the club tonight."
"I want to buy a violet wolf shirt."
"Do I look like a violet wolf in this dress?"

by Skiing in sugar January 27, 2016

no wolf

another statement in similarity to “No cap” meaning no lie.

i got to see her again no wolf

by THEREALSPILLBYK December 23, 2023

luke wolfe

If you know a Luke Wolfe consider yourself lucky. This guy has two humongous yoga balls hanging from his fat shaft. He fears nothing and can climb on walls. If Batman and Chris Hemsworth had a baby together, it would be a Luke Wolfe. It is rumored that Luke Wolfe created the 360 no scope.

Dude: Oh my, look at that massive hot air balloon!

Other Dude: No dude, that's Luke Wolfe's left nut!

by Stuffed Buns December 15, 2023

data wolf

A secret information eating monster that lives deep on the dark web and continually uses algorithms to make its victims go crazy or become so obsessed with their devices that they completely disconnect with the physical reality.

That data wolf keeps eating all the data. I wonder what it will do with it all?

by Whatsit2yaa May 6, 2022

David wolfe

David He is so fine he doesn't know how fine an funny he is .he is the dread head of my dreams

Tay:who is that's fine dread in the hallway?

Me: that's David wolfe he is the dread head of my dreams

by Impossible lovergirl March 6, 2024


Minecraft god, his account is worth more than your house and good memes also hot
Hacker killer

What's that pc's price? It's a Wolfness minecraft account
Wow you're so smart what's your IQ?
Oh it's a Wolfness

by WolfnessXD January 22, 2018