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Baby Bump

A very obnoxious and grating way to say someone's pregnant. An extremely annoying buzz word used by tabloid-style news outlets to have people storm the comment section to complain about the use of this horrendous and ridiculous expression. hence free traffic, you clever dudez!

"in the name of all that is good STOP SAYING "BABY BUMP !!!"

by Spyan January 22, 2020

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Park baby

A guy who is a bum, usually after highschool, doesn't really do much but do drugs and alcohol at parks

Erick:Remember that time late at night we saw that park baby?

Trevor: yeah dude that guy needs a job or something.

by iloveRb26's November 20, 2016

no baby memo

A woman's menstrual cycle or period. When one receives her monthly cycle, she then has the knowledge that she is not pregnant.

Me: "Got the no baby memo."

My boyfriend: "Yay?"

by cares not September 11, 2009

Grave Baby

A secret that is taken to the grave.

I will tell you what really happened, but it's got to be a Grave Baby.

by Jess and Allen September 10, 2019

spill baby

a child concieved during anal sex either because of a tear or horrible joke played on one by fate.

Whatshisname only came in my ass so i figure i'll have to tell my future child he's a spill baby.

by jl999 December 15, 2008

Piss baby

Somebody who throws a tantrum when they don’t get their way. Often times they will go out of their way to make other people’s lives more difficult if they don’t get to control every situation.

Me: my entire family has to do whatevar my grandpa wants or else he’ll make our lives a living hell.
Friend: what a piss baby

by Flowerfliff June 20, 2021

baby stud

a lesbian who labels herself as a stud or masculine female but only wears nike headbands & sags in tight girl jeans

Idk why you miss her she was a baby stud lmao

by myoppsdead October 1, 2022

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