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Skill Spit

This can be done while taking a very massive shit and having a excess amount of mucus in your mouth.
1. look down
2. aim between the tip of your shaft and the front part of the toilet seat, no homo.
3. let that baby fall.

If successful you are a skill spitter, if not, your just gay.

oh man that huge shit was so good i just had to test my spit skills, and attempt the Skill Spit.

by henriko November 24, 2006

Snake That Spits

A Native American euphemism for "penis".

I was going to bang this girl but, "she" pulled out her snake that spits.

by Roy Blanteep November 28, 2013

spit on kitty

The action of dribbling saliva on your partners triangle box, usually leading to smoother jabs and squeaking lips.

We spit on kitty in this house

by GG da banger August 10, 2021

Shit Spit

When you have one long, continuous turd that you're trying to shit out but it never stops coming out. Alternatively, the term can also mean sudden bursts of diarrhea.

Person 1: Hey man, come over and listen to Despacito with me
Person 2: Sorry, I have the shit spits again

by Moist Doritos July 24, 2018

drinkin the spit

A phrase for doing something cool

i am drinkin the spit!

by EyIAmCoolGuy3 July 30, 2020

Mum Spit

A physical act of affection from a mother, given by the mother by licking her finger and then stroking her now wet finger gently down the cheek of her offspring.

When Joel was sent off to his fist day of school, he was left with mum spit. And was laughed at by Jes.

by Pl@tty August 30, 2008

spitting bloody Chicklets

Chicklets is a brand of chewing gum that’s popular in many neighborhoods. When you’re at the top of the food chain in the old town and a known tough guy you could often put a would be challenger on notice by telling them this. If you don’t watch out you’ll be “spitting bloody Chicklets”. This can be both a warning and an actual threat.

Man Ronnie was running his mouth at Big D and Ronnie ended up spitting bloody Chicklets.

by King Yamayama December 11, 2024