The female equivalent to "What A Chad". A term used to describe a basic white woman, usually in their twenties or early thirties and with blonde hair.
"My old history teacher keeps commenting on my recent facebook post... What a Stacey."
something funny but you dunno what it is
fren: *posts something funny*
you: lol what is that
A phrase often used by twitch streamer SirhcEz when something peculiar happens, in particular when he's playing MOBA game League of Legends
SirhcEz: gets a pentakill with Nasus
SirhcEz: what the kappas? Don't mess with da cane!
Baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more!
What is love? LOVE! Baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more
3👍 1👎
What a Lad! Often used in texting conversation as shorthand.
Bob gets with all the girls he wants!
- What salad!
can be used in two ways
one more aggressively (nigga what!)
one more confusedly (excuse me my african friend, huh?)
*In a fight*
person1: nigga what! whatchu gon do pussy! nigga what, nigga what!
person2: i finna beatcho ass
*in a conversation*
person1: my pheromones are lacking
person2: nigga what? fuck does that mean?