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What A Stacey

The female equivalent to "What A Chad". A term used to describe a basic white woman, usually in their twenties or early thirties and with blonde hair.

"My old history teacher keeps commenting on my recent facebook post... What a Stacey."

by Germryry May 17, 2020

lol what

something funny but you dunno what it is

fren: *posts something funny*
you: lol what is that

by loogiandmero November 3, 2018

What’s hannin

What’s hannin means wassup

Girl: Hey austin

Austin: what’s hannin

Girl: sup

by Austin191919 May 9, 2022

What the Kappas

A phrase often used by twitch streamer SirhcEz when something peculiar happens, in particular when he's playing MOBA game League of Legends

SirhcEz: gets a pentakill with Nasus
SirhcEz: what the kappas? Don't mess with da cane!

by TRC sigma September 13, 2020

What is Love?

Baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more!

What is love? LOVE! Baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more

by KNICO KNICO KNEECAPS December 12, 2021

3👍 1👎

What salad

What a Lad! Often used in texting conversation as shorthand.

Bob gets with all the girls he wants!
- What salad!

by Lengar July 5, 2018

nigga what

can be used in two ways
one more aggressively (nigga what!)
one more confusedly (excuse me my african friend, huh?)

*In a fight*
person1: nigga what! whatchu gon do pussy! nigga what, nigga what!
person2: i finna beatcho ass

*in a conversation*
person1: my pheromones are lacking
person2: nigga what? fuck does that mean?

by bloowh November 28, 2022