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The Aaron is when you grab your partner by the anus spread widely, then 360 no scope your shit right into her ass. This is also known as the double A maneuver because it involves 2 Asses making love in an unconventional way.

"Did you see that crazy porno where they actually pulled off an Aaron!"

by GodGoldSmith November 20, 2020


The Aaron is when you grab your partner by the Anus spread widely, then 360 no scope your shit right into their ass(scope is required no iron sights). This is also known as the AA maneuver because it involves 2 asses making love in an unconventional way

Friend: "hey did you see that porno where they actually pulled off an Aaron"
Other friend: "no what's an Aaron"

You: "are you a dumbass!? the Aaron is when you 360 no scope your shit into someone's ass."
Other friend(the one who's a dumbass): "how would I know that I don't watch porn"
You and friend: "fucking liar!"
You: "fuck it we are going to watch the Aaron right now"

Other friend(still a dumbass): "ok"

by GodGoldSmith November 30, 2020


a pos Fortnite player who sucks at the game and cant get 1 win, loves sonic with a passion (also bright bomber) is also 1000ft tall. and he is 5000 pounds.

That kid is such an Aaron at Fortnite

by ur mother is seggsy April 7, 2022


Literally Satan. He's sick of doing admin 37 hours a day.

Yeah Aaron's still doing paperwork...

by BlackSkull83 March 24, 2021


A person who will literally fall of the face of the earth to prove the earth is flat.

Friend 1: Is Aaron alright? I haven’t seen him in a while.
Friend 2: Aaron’s fine. He just fell off the face of the earth again.

by lilneufs August 12, 2022


a crothth eyed 12 year old. hath a bethtfriend named mfham. probably hath a cruth on monika and jothelyn. hath a really notithable lithp. hath curly brown hair (it’th really thoft). HE ITH THO ANNOYING THOMETIMES! he hath freckleth and hath a huge gap that can fit the great wall of china in it. HE ITH A CRACKHEAD and ith lit and ith THO THWAGGY AND LEGIT AND LIT HE ITH A GUCCI GANGTHTER OH YEAH

diggy: i saw someone in that abandoned crack house last night...
brody: it was probably aaron.

by swaggydiggy April 17, 2019


Aaron is just a Aaron he most likely to have a crush on a person that starts with A and if not A then L.. Aaron has curly hair and has a little brother named Frankie

Aaron is allergic to peanuts

by Lexi_FOX March 30, 2021