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turn Kha Nhan

when a "nice guy" sheds his cover and reveal himself as a rapist

#rapist #criminal

A: the guy I was hitting on last week just turn Kha Nhan today, girl :((((

by LHPer July 3, 2018


Another word for breast, tiddies, or boobs.

"Here comes your mom! Hurry up, and cover your turnt-turns up!"

by Anonymous May 15, 2004

burning and turning

the act of skiing or snowboarding while smoking weed or smoking some weed then skiing or snowboarding.

1.dude lets go burn and turn after hot chocolate

2. dude we've been burning and turning all day, the mountain is gonna close soon

by VTskier500 August 25, 2008

Heel-Face Turn

When a character who was previously an antagonist becomes a protagonist.

The villain's heel-face turn was so sudden, one minute he was plotting world domination, the next he was baking cookies for orphans."

by DictionaryDecimator July 6, 2024

Hammer Turn

When playing Sea of Thieves you drop the anchor while moving to achieve a quick turn.

Yar! That Galleons got the fort key, drop the anchor for a Hammer Turn.

by Nah Man I don't wanna July 8, 2021

turn her around and make her brown

Stick it her butt and make a shit stick

Joey I turn her around and make her brown.

Dude that dirty

by Dick Thigh November 4, 2017

That Turn

The turn the driver of a car makes that’s very near to where you live. When you’re asleep, you usually, if not always, wake up when you make this turn.

I was so tired today that I slept for the whole 4 hour car ride until my friend made that turn.

by star_s22 November 29, 2021