A gamer at heart. Got lost on his way to CVS. Depressed all the time. Let's you crash at his house anytime because he's a dawg.
Something that emo kids do to themselves.
Girl 1 : Wanna hang?
Emo : Ourselves?
Other emo: Sure!
be on the property of the involvement of alcohol and or illegal drugs with legal name of person
we should hang.
Slang for "beat up", used in South Africa by people living in Pretoria, Sunnyside.
"We finna hang that boy for sneak dissing us."
When something reminds you to off yourself later, you can express that you are going to.
Could be masturbation.
A foxy woman passes you by without even looking.
"Hang me later." - you.
"Masturbation" -everyone else.
When something reminds you to off yourself later. If something is a drag hang me later
Off-note it could be for masturbation.
"And that is that for today" - teacher
The really into school kid rises their hand.
"Hang me later for fucks sake!" - the kid who didn't do homework.
that irritating little shit skin that hangs off your finger below your fingernail.
I hope thats what this is.
"what's this shit?"
"it's hang nail. pull it."