Source Code

Dotard Trump

A playword on Donald Trump's name by combining the words "Donald" and "Retard", a mentally deranged person according to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Kim Jong Un calls Donald Trump a dotard and a mentally deranged person, the name Dotard Trump fits him perfectly.

by PediPipita September 22, 2017

153πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

trump syndrome

The denial of something that millions of people have literally seen with their own eyes.

When President Trump says that millions of people attended his inauguration when their were clearly mass empty spots, he exhibits symptoms of 'Trump Syndrome'.

by Kwess75 January 22, 2017

60πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Trump Tower

A 400 meter glass building in Chicago full of boats and hoes.

Alex: Wanna go to the Trump Tower?
Marty: Yes, sure.
Alex: SICK!!! Let's go hang with dem boats and hoes!

by Italia Marzioli October 22, 2016

225πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


The uneducated rantings of a deplorable

Your trump-itude makes me want to hurl!

by InnocentWaif November 17, 2016

80πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


"trump it" is my slang word coined after listening to the famous billionaire and outspoken American presidential candidate -Donald Trump. His way of speech and blunt nature leaves no room for weak minds who can't take the hit of his words. "trump it" as it sounds like a trumpet has weight; and bearing similar name with a famous figure even gives it that added elegance and style to be used even if formal speeches to address any audience or individual directly.

just cut the crap and "trump" it or "trump" it out (like saying it without mincing words i can take it)

We're going to "trump" down this town tonight. (like we're gonna paint this town red tonight)

The "trump" is on ( the show or party has started when the second person has a pre-knowledge of the event in discussion, hence the article "the")

by Akor April 9, 2016

126πŸ‘ 2166πŸ‘Ž

trump word

Use of intensifiers such as - but not limited - to: 'very', 'so', 'big league' and 'much' in a way
that they could be removed and keep the sentence meaning intact. Superfluous use of intensifiers.

"He's a very terrific guy, so terrific, in fact I owe a lot to him."

"1) He very highly regards himself

2) Dude, very is a trump word"

β€œThe beauty of me is that I’m very rich.” - Donald Trump

by stringerbell200 December 1, 2016

30πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The act of partaking in vigorous sexual acts or coitus between that self-promoting psuedo-billionaire Donald Trump and two other persons (usually someone like one of the Bush twin daughters and myself).

Can also involve his wife Ivana, his bird looking daughter Ivanka etc etc etc.

Note: Due to therapy to combat his balding head, The Donald is impotent and would most likely be the one penetrated or do the penetrating with a 12 inch black latex strap-on.

Kwame: "What did you get up to this weekend?"
Douglas Hardy: "I fucked Donald Trump while his stork-looking daughter Ivanka fucked me with a strap-on."
Kwame: "That be called a menage-a-Trump. Been there - done that. The Donald and myself both nailed Omarosa during the 1st season of The Apprentice."
Douglas Hardy: "menage-a-Trump city!!!"
*Douglas Hardy and Kwame proceed to High Five each other*

by poja August 12, 2004

285πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž