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Sea Weed

A term describing a person who is tripping shit after swimming whilst high on marijuana. This term is also used when a drowned man is found on a beach with marijuana in his pocket.

Example A
Lifeguard A: "oh shit, we got some sea weed in the water."
Lifeguard B: "Damn, those pot heads always come here trippin' shit and make people stop coming to the beach
Lifeguard A: "Yeah, we better go get that guy out of there, he might drown."
Lifeguard B: "Well we might as well watch him go for a bit, it might get funny."
Lifeguard A: "Yeah that is a good idea."

Example B
Rasta A: "Ja mon, i just dun found some Mary Jane In some drowned man's pocket."
Rasta B: "Holy Ganja, come here right quick and we smoke dat stuff off."
Rasta A: "Nah mon, this be my first sea weed i ever done found. I be saving dis stuff for da Jamaican forest fire that be happening soon."
Rasta B: "Ja mon that be a good idea, sea weed be some lucky stuff. I one time found some of dat shit and i won three ounces of Mary Jane."
Rasta A: Well mon, i tink u should come here right quick and do some smokin wit me. I save half for da Jamaican Forest Fire."

by DA RASTA MON January 30, 2012

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The taking of ones ass virginity.

Derived from the term ( deflowering )

Louis: "Hey dude, did you get Stacy's beak last weekend?"

Stephen:"No dude....but i did talk her into a nice De-weeding"

Louis: " Well what's that?"

Stephen: "I took her buttginity"

Louis: " Oh,.....Tru"

by Cap'n Huuq July 29, 2010

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rape weed

A natural plant found commonly in many coastal areas (very similar to spinifex). Rape weed can be found in large concentrations off the coast of Perth, Western Australia on the small island of Rottnest. The effects of smoking rape weed are hallucinogenic and can render the smoker delusional and with an irresistible urge to rape anything and everything.

"Fucking look out boys, Robert had a stash of A-grade rape weed and he just smoked the lot in one go!!! Cromwell is going to be spitting fucking chips when he finds out!!!"

by demonica March 7, 2012

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Pass the Weed

Simply means: puff puff then give me the weed

Pass The Weed Or Ya"ll Gettin Clapped

by urbandictionary@ud May 6, 2019

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rainbow weed

fucking colorful weed that bitches somoke

i was fucking a bitch with rainbow weed

by tdogg1165 April 5, 2017

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Batu Weed

Marijuana laced with Batu, or Meth.

Brah, what we wen smoke?

Batu weed homie.

ohh shit faka das chronic

by Demetrios007 August 1, 2012

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flax weed

weed that makes you have the runs. People usually tend to get diareah. It causes a dangerous mess in the bathroom or bed. It also causes one to pee uncontrollably.

My friend had the worst diareah from flax weed.

by Papo April 16, 2008

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