He is one of the top warzone 60fps just like stomypooh hes the best fortnite gamer hes a real gamer
call me papi and stomy is natsy at sucking big cock
What you say to someone you don't like.
You remind me of a software update. When I see you I usually think "not now."
Got me so interested that I want to know more
You got me hooked last time. Now tell me everything about it.
To put someone in jail forever.
34 felonies?! Oh man, they're going to throw me away!
A person is usually a guy who used to rock with you and now pretends you don't exist. To" send" is the equivalent of I fuck with you,
it's Chris avoiding eye contact, we saw a movie last week but today he is General no send me.
Contraction of "Do you get me?". Used rhetorically to confirm agreement. Originated in East London in the early 2000s.
Hooded Youth 1: "Girldembuffting, innit!"
Hooded Youth 2: "Y'get me!"