Source Code


Yoo bonk wanna semi rage?
no go fuck yourself retard

Semi-Rage Semi rage is a type of hvh in the game counter strike this is when someone is too pussy to spin or too bad to play legit so they semi rage.

by pseudonymsareforpussys September 12, 2020

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Rape & Rage

(Verb) to Rape and rage
Past: I rape and raged
Now: I'm rape and raging
Future: I'm going to rape and rage

A state of celebration and/or commiseration; including consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol and disreputable taverns; exhibiting voyueristic amounts of affection between male/ male counterparts (bros); roaring obsenities across crowded public ares and the indescriminate destruction of private or public property.

Bro keen to rape & rage?

by Aza J July 14, 2011

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road rage

ROADRAGE:the situation in which u get so fuckin angry at the slow fucks, u scream (muffled, so no one can hear), u honk, nd u may even ram the fucker with ur car..happens at the worst time..

Stacy: *screamin at the top of her lungs* bitch, do ya like it in da ass cuz thats where my car will go if u dont move it, u dumb fuck!
Tony: whoa gurl u sure got a lot of road rage.

by JeffreyDaGiraffe January 6, 2009

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Rage Quitting

Rage Quitting:
Not only for rage quitting a game but can also be a term used with anything in life.

Rage quitting is not a term used only for video games.
Many Many semi-retarded noobs get that confused.

John: Man this work meeting sucks
Boss: If you don't like it do something about it.
Boss: Good your fired!

gf: I love you hunny, but you smell.
bf: But what about deo.....
gf: Shhh Shhh Shhh, I'm done.
bf: You have no SOUL!
gf: ?
bf: I am Raging Quitting this before you dump me

by Mr. All The Time Right. July 9, 2010

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Azn Rage

When an asian kid gets so fucking pissed off he starts kicking peoples ass and even if they do get a hit in he doesn't feel it because of the adrenaline

Redneck#1 : lol! look at that little fucking mexican asian bitch

Redneck#2 : hes such a cunt. LOL!

Redneck#1 and #2 : OH SHIT! That asian bitch is releasing azn rage!

by Azn Riot October 14, 2009

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rage it

To party way harder than usual. Probably because it's Spring Break or something.

This is kind of a girls only phrase because it sounds totally gay coming out of dudes.

I just paid a homeless guy to buy us a sixer.
Rage it, Betch.

by B Easy March 4, 2007

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An extremely frustrated or outwardly rude man that counters everything with feminine-like rage. To bitch at someone in a bitchy (gay) manor. Also when you piss off a gay man to the point where he gets retard-strength and beats the shit out of everyone in proximity.

"We were at the bar when my friend said faggot too loud, then this shemale turned green with the gay-rage and I woke up in the hospital with a broken nose and a torn asshole."

by disfunktedfish September 11, 2006

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