Noah/Ryan HAS TO james on the day before his birthday. It's required.
Wow noah, you better answer james. Its the day before his birthday!
The remembrance of the time when you were set up for a life long suffering.
The most epic day in which the epitome of greatness was descended upon this realm. The day D-Mill was crafted into historical wonder!
His birthday was the best day every, because upon the day life was made better.
A day in which basically you are wished happy birthday and don't get spoken to for the rest of the party. You also get to see people you haven't seen in like...12 and a half years sooooo
It's your birthday john, now fuck off I wanna talk to aunt Margaret
No, don't... Don't bitch about your birthday. You didn't invite me. It don't ever get invited to anything... And I only have $30... And "YoU'rE nOt GoInG tO sHoW uP oN mY DoOrStEp!"
Hym "Yeah, hey that's cool. You know, I didn't even get a birthday last year! I did get a Christmas though where I had to sit and listen to my brother's bitch girlfriend undermine my profound accomplishments. It's all she ever does! She just runs her bitch mouth."
A day that you celebrate (happily) coming out of a vagina and into existence.
Guy 1: Hey man, it’s my birthday!
Guy 2: No way! Happy Birthday!