Brightly coloured and patterned tights or leggings worn over the legs, normally with a skirt or shorts worn over the top, to school or college.
Derick: "Hey, there is Megan."
*Megan walks in wearing a short skirt and brightly couloured, floral patterned tights*
Megan: "Hey!"
Derick: "Interesting tights..."
Megan: "These are my college tights, bright and eye-catching."
Crimewatch- WANTED: David Bown. Last seen at itchen college.
The "no balls" and "full send" of college
Person 1: Bro I just made a 14 on my exam
Person 2: dang bro that's peak college
Josh, TJ, Nick, Roman, Kody, Bladen, Reid, Brody, Spencer
The process by which a person tucks in the front half of their shirt and not the back...a mullet of shirt tucking. Business in the front, party in the back
Ron totally rocks the college tuck...he's such a sophisticated rebel
High School in Sout Auck Nz.
Chief Executive Officer is Lord Zuzu aka Mrs Blakely
Full of kinds blasting their crappy as songs on their speakers and wannabe skuxx kids
Look at that kid hes wearing the Rosehill College Uniform
Yeah he thinks he so skuxx
He not evun close auh
The best place in the world with the worst food
Mayo college is like my second home .
Mayo is home away from home
Very soft cuntz who thinks they're tough as shit
"Those Unity College kids r a bit religious huh"