The teeth eating, wrinkly, pint-sized little assholes from the movie “Don’t be afraid of the Dark”
Friend: Omg what was that noise?!
You: It was probably Demon Ratties!
A hilarious song not intended to be taken seriously with utterly horrible vocals. See also: Gwar.
"Meat Sandwich" by Gwar is ultimate demon rock!
The act of wearing a butt plug
“Dude why are you keeping the demons out?”
“cause it feels good”
To produce exceedingly large amounts of semen after constant masturbation or constant sex.
Female one:After fucking him for several times for hours at a time, Malkaia still came a lot.
Female two: Damn he must be the demon of semen!
The Demon which makomo and sabito did to in demon slayer aka kimetsu no yaiba,got slaughtered by tanjiro tho.
hey whats that demon called?
oh its the hand demon
is he still alive?
nope,he got slaughtered by tanjiro kamado
When you find an evil bitch and spread her legs wide open and to your surprise you are met the smell of fire and brimstone, the screams of hell, and demonic jagged vaginal teeth that bite your dick off.
I was thinking she was marriage material but thankfully before taking her to meet the family I found out she was a demon spreader. Barely saved my dick from this one!
A fantastical monster named after the Latin word “ferox.” Ferox in Latin means wild, strong or courageous, so a ferox demon would really just mean wild demon. A ferox demon resembles a large rhino with an extremely jagged horn. It has large, gray, thin wings that help it maneuver in the air. It also has a very long, thin, flat tail that it uses to hit you while in the air, or on the ground. It’s an extremely formidable beast that is a menace to mankind.
The ferox demon’s came down from their volcanoes and raided the large outpost nearby, taking dozens of footmen with them.