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school effect

The shitty feeling you get when u wake up to go to school Mainly the first day of school. Whenever a person thinks about the word school during the final days of their summer vacation it instills them with great fear, that it is so painful and can be described as stomach churning, numbness of their legs, and often making them extremely tired and might be so strong they faint.

*School effect*Ah shit here we go again

by Mph August 27, 2019

iStander Effect

When a group of people fail to help a victim because they're too busy filming the crime on their phones.

Poor Kitty Genovese Jr was killed because none of the twenty people filming her murder used their phones to call 911. Textbook iStander Effect.

by Aplusbar September 17, 2019

Pygmalion Effect

The Pygmalion Effect explains that people tend to perform up to the level that others expect of them. This effect explains why our relationships are usually self-fulfilling prophecies. Once you set expectations for somebody, that person will tend to live up to that expectation, whether it's good or bad.
But the Pygmalion Effect also applies to your personal growth. Your beliefs about yourself impact your actions towards others, which influence their beliefs about you and their actions towards you.

Positive expectations influence performance positively, and negative expectations influence performance negatively. ... In educational circles, this has been termed the Pygmalion Effect, or more colloquially, a self-fulfilling prophecy.

by Pygma November 22, 2021

tit effect

the act of giving a girl things because she has nice tits

hotgirl:hey can i have a fry

guy: fuck yea,go for it, sure...
bro: can i have a fry
guy:fuck off
bro: damn tit effect

by klove25 December 1, 2011

the catfish effect

When you find yourself liking a song more and more every time you hear it, instead of getting sick of it. (i.e. Every single song by Catfish and the Bottlemen)

Person 1: Mate, don't you ever get tired of that Soundcheck song?
Person 2: NEVER! It's the catfish effect bro.

by iamsolondon March 20, 2016

The Swazzle Effect

The moment where a person is asked to give examples but their mind goes blank

Person A: Can u list some examples?
Person B: Ugh no I just forgot all of them
Person A: That's The Swazzle Effect for ya

by VerticalCouchLVR November 24, 2020

alpha effect

When the Alpha Male is out of "Range". The Beta Males try any method possible to become the Alpha Male in his absence.

Example~ Texting and DM-ing his Alpha Female as soon as the Alpha Male is out of Range.

You Have That "Alpha Effect" on People

by Mary Jane1313 August 20, 2020