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Track team

What all the nerds in high school belong to. Its the same at every high school.

Guy 1: Are you going to the track team party this weekend?

Guy 2: You mean the fundraiser at the Chucky cheese?

by buttclops December 21, 2008

19๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

tag team

the blowjob equivalent of a threesome/gangbang. when more than one girl sucks a guy's dick.

Phil: see those two lesbians over there? they did an excellent job of tag teaming my dick last night!

by Phil the Pill September 10, 2006

57๐Ÿ‘ 199๐Ÿ‘Ž

The D Team

An elite team comprising of Colin Ferell, George Clooney, Adam West, James Brookes, and Johnny Power. They not only fight crime and income tax, but they care about everyday citizens like you and me.

Wow that bad man tried to rape me, lucky "The D Team" was here to bend him over and teach him a lesson!

by Julianna Pedersen December 18, 2007

6๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

team reckless

a group of guys who destroys parties in a town near you, the chillest guys you'll ever meet

Dude open house party this Saturday!
Hopefully Team Reckless doesn't come, I don't feel like getting my house destroyed.

by gookity gook March 24, 2009

3๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Team 11

Team 11:
Below average.

Hey man did u hear of team 11, oh yeah Randy told me abou them.

by Wizards101masterharambe September 19, 2017

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team clouds

The pz Team of Rune Midgar and various other places on the net and in the world. Excluding California

Team Clouds has Awesome Game Reviews, Count em... Two

by Triad August 10, 2003

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Team 10

Team 10 are groups of homosexuals and lesbians and their goal is to fuck their same sex.
BTW jake paul gay he fucked logan in asshole

Team 10 is a gay group

by Alien Weed April 14, 2018

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