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george pearce

Extremely sexy man who is a magnet to the ladies

Woahhh this George pearce guy is so fit he get all the girls, I wish I was like him

by Sexy Boi123 December 29, 2022

George Carlin

A guy that really was from the same neighborhood as his brother, it wasn't just his pretentious bullshit that kept him there for many years, it was home for him. He was a real person.

George Carlin wasn't a guy from New Jersey pretending to be from New York or using five different pseudonyms, he was himself all the time.

by The Original Agahnim November 4, 2021

2👍 1👎

George Glover

The kind of guy who can definitely piss you off when he goes SKATING or when he listens to those who back stab him however I would be lost without my George Glover he is my soul mate, I will always love and adore him as he's the best thing that's ever happened to me. If you are lucky enough to come across a George Glover (as long as he isn't mine) sweep him off his feet and keep him forever. You will instantly fall DEEP Deeply in love with his wonkey smile, freckled face and beautiful blue eyes. I'd be forever lost without my George Glover. He's the sunrise every morning and is the beautiful moon light glow in the night time, I will forever be thankful to his mum Lisa and his dad Darren. I believe he can do anything when he puts his mind AND HEART into it.I know he is denstand for greatness. I love him from his smelly feet up to his pin head. He's my everything. I love you George. Don't you ever forget that.

He pulled a George Glover on my heart.

by Missajb.gpgb1 October 9, 2018

george kirk

A racist twat who’s birthday is on 13th of November his best friend and bum buddy is Bryce who is good in bed. A George Kirk has a chode the size of an ant and Bryce has bolacks of steel if u see a George Kirk there is a national month to kick him in the balls and punch him in nose

Hey u see George Kirk what a prick he likes ass

by Manny gurr January 12, 2020

Blow George

When someone is going on and on saying things they think you want to hear. Telling you random lies so they can get in with you. The biggest bull shitter of all time.

He is the biggest blow George I’ve ever seen.

by Southern Charmer March 13, 2019

George Lachance

George is probably the best dude you’ll ever meet George makes a great friend and always speaks the truth even though he can sometimes be a meanie he always comes around and may even buy you a granola bar. George has a lot of trust issues but he will never let you down and is very open and cooperative. George bight be a little dark but it only takes his gbf with a waxk personality to bring out the light and make him a little happier everyday. George will date the best of the best because that’s what he deserves. George is very shy but never rlly seeks approval and popularity. George is almost always quiet but around his real friends he’s the bomb. George overall is a dumb dumb., poopy head, dooddooo head and a peeepeee head but if you ever find a George lachance make sure you have the time and energy to txt him all night into morning also George is def not curvy but believes he is

Wow only a George lachance would do this.

by Doodododobraindar July 3, 2019

Io George

bad icecream flavor

wanna go to the icecream shoppe and order some Io George

by iogeorhge October 16, 2018