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ur poppy gives the sloppy

Worse than ur granny a tranny

Bob: ur mom gay
Joey: ur dad lesbian
Bob: ur granny a tranny
Joey: Bitch don't make me
Bob: Bet nigga lol
Joey: Ur poppy gives the sloppy
*universe fucking implodes*

by lol nigga try me March 14, 2018

Give me a red lipstick

Common Lesbian slang used to discreetly ask someone to kiss you.

"Hey, you gonna give me a red lipstick after this?"
"Yeah, you deserve it"

by Thegayestofgnames March 25, 2021

You Give Good Vegas

Popularized by Canadian musician, Pat Canavan, giving good Vegas means so much more than what is at the surface. To give good Vegas is to be the absolute embodiment of everything Las Vegas, Nevada stands for. Receiving good vegas can send any person straight into Nirvana. When you give good Vegas, you emit pure sunshine and bring a smile to the face of everyone you encounter. If you are lucky enough to have someone in your life that gives good Vegas, hold on to them. They are truly something special.

I met the most amazing girl last night. She gave good Vegas like I've never seen before! I couldn't help but look her in the eye and say "Babe, you give good Vegas."

by Cat Panavan May 29, 2021

x gon give it to ya

this term is used in resident evil 2 remake a couple of times when the tyrant (mr x) inflicts physical dominance over an ordinary character
this was also written in a song

streamer: encounters mr x
youtubers: X GON GIVE IT TO YA

by MansNotSexuallyFeverish(Hot) February 1, 2021

I don't give a fuck

When saying "I don't give a fuck", you have to say it with your whole chest.
*I don't give a fuck that I smoke too many cigarettes
*I don't give a fuck how many treats I eat in a day
*I don't give a fuck what the background information is
*I don't give a fuck if you want Observations in the report

I don't give a fuck what you said in the meeting, I'm not writing more than 4 sentences in my asbestos report!

by Hawkeye6262 September 14, 2023

Give me your soul

phrase often said by people that are incredibly bored
they tend to be people from old market towns that enjoy life and make many plans for the future, they also tend to have a love for good food and have a deep hatred for people who waste or ruin good food

*just finished a conversation*
*walks next to or stands next to friend in silence*
*after appox 1 second*
Give me your soul

by SolarPixels October 30, 2022

give me bleach please

give me bleach please is when you see something disgusting and need bleach like in the example

I just saw 2 girls 1 cup, give me bleach please

by Bloody Luca Legend May 20, 2022