The think that crusty teens use to hide their shady and suspicious activities.
"John? Why is the - door lock - ed? are you jacking off in there?"
"Shut upppp."
A similar concept to "Dog Locked", but occurring when getting an erection whilst sitting on the toilet, and causing one's penis to become jammed under the seat or rim.
Note: "The Bog" is a common name for a toilet in The United Kingdom.
Dude, I was looking at porn on my phone while I had a shit, and got totally Bog Locked. I was there for an hour.
Alternative to "off the chain" usually used to described a party
ALT.A virgin who is about to give it up
Damn that party was poppin' off the lock!
Damn i cant belive sharons poppin' off the lock!
When you hug a person around their arms and upper torso so tight they can't move. Typically used as a form of endearment.
Bae started ticklin me so I put her in a mama lock.
1. When you are late for class and trying to make it through a hallway, but there is a large flash mob blocking your way, and they’re all hitting the griddy.
2. When you have premarital sex and have conceived a child out of wedlock, you must hit a sustained griddy for the duration of the women’s labor. This will atone for your sins.
Definition 1
“Gosh diddly darn it, I’m trying to get to my geometry class, but the entire fricking student body has reduced the hallway to griddy lock.
Definition 2:
Priest “My son, you have committed a great sin with this pregnancy”
Sinner “what must I do to atone?”
Priest “you must commit the dankest griddy while your wife gives birth. This will make the child born in griddy lock, instead of wedlock, cleansing you”
You settled something, and are no longer stressed.
Kelli: Hey I know you been stressin, how you feelin' 'bout tonight's shoot Chris?
Chris: I locked my dog in, bro!
Like “cock blocked” but means whipped, married, in a relationship and that box got that cock all on the locked.
Dang, ever since homie got married, she got him all box locked. He ain’t even allowed out to watch the game no more.