Losing an election by 80% and saying it was rigged.
Sore Loser: 2 weeks after an election that he lost Peter Giunta still posts on Twitter yelling at people because he can't admit that he in fact is a loser.
100% named Ariana and likely lost in a competition in where she lost against Emilio and has been bitching about for 30 minutes.
I want Chipotle because i’m a sore loser.
A sore loser is someone that can't accept their loss
Specifically a football match
The English football fans are sore losers
Someone who sucks too much to win, but still hates losing.
Justin lost the argument and pouted, but still wont admit he is a sore loser.
a person who becomes very upset or angry when he or she loses their boat and gets sunk
Alpha Nigthshade is such a sore loser! He never says good fight after he sinks only when he gets a kill!
Vassily, meaning loser of the sore in Gaelic. The sore meaning a cold sore on the mouth and loser meaning one that loses. Together it creates Vassily.
You’re such a sore loser, it’s just a game