Deactivating the safety latch.
A industrial repairman sometimes must Mouse the hook as a last-ditch effort to diagnose and fix a machine without any safety features see if the main function works
It is illegal to Mouse the hook in Michigan as per state regulations
A small/short guy packing a huge dick.
Yo my friend is dating this 4 foot dude but lucky her, he's mouse packing.
A guy with huge balls and tiny dick. The large balls are the ears and the small dick is the nose and together that makes it look like Mickey Mouse.
Some gay men love a Mickey Mouse.
When you're on a laptop and you try to move the mouse on the pad and it randomly zooms the fucking thing to like 200% zoom.
Trying to read something on your laptop and it does a random mouse zoom and you can't read the fucking thing.
The small, hick town equivalent of a hood rat.
I lock it up because of the hood rat, well we ain’t got no hood so, field mouse I guess.
Having a little snack or meal all by yourself
I sat in the corner and had a little mouse meal earlier
a cartoon with 22 results on rule 34
Cartoonaboo: 12 oz. Mouse SUCKS ASS