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a popular tiktok term to describe a persons game. Usually involves tiktokers recording rando's on the street trying to be a pickup artist. Most commonly used as "unspoken rizz" the act of picking up women without speaking to them usually by waving to the person to come to you. Most people who don't live on the internet consider it cringe.

person 1: "yo that girl is so fine, but im too nervous to start talking to her."

person 2: " bro that's why you gotta practice your unspoken rizz."

by D4z1b013000 May 18, 2022


It means u have good skill of flirting with boys and and non binary hoes.
BUT theres a difference

if you are good looking u have rizz
if u are ugly , its sexual harizzment .

person 1 : If i could create a universe of my own

i would have you as a moon ,so every

night i could gaze on you every night.
person 2 : damn thats some poetic rizz

by GodzillasToeSucker_1954 February 23, 2023


norman has the best rizz

leighton: dude normans rizz is immaculate
norman: fr w rizz

by @royale.monika on instagram February 9, 2023


rizz means attracting someone by doing something, usually pulling them towards you romantically

watch tiktoks about idk how to put rizz into an example

by 4themandem December 25, 2022


Really?..... “SeE gUyS!? We ToLd yOu ThAt YoU jUsT hAvE tO *blah blah blah* (Words that literally translate to ‘Ram our cervix with a giant wiener’) “ He also doesn’t sustain them.... so there is that.

Hym “Come on now. Is it really THAT hard to admit I was right? I mean really! Rizz!? You niggas love making shit up, don’t you?

Them Hoes Over There “BuT i LiKe VaLuEs! GaMe Is ReAl!!!”

Hym “NO! You like fat cocks bitch. That’s is all. Fat cocks. This ‘making you laugh’ shit and the ‘goofy’ nonsense is completely inane. Stop it, alright? You’re embarrassing yourself. It’s absolutely farcical. Fat cocks. Not having to work.”

Dr. JeepJorp “Nuh-Uh! It’S tHe MaRkErS fOr AcCrUiNg SuCcEsS iN mY bUlLsHiT hIeRaChY!”

Hym “You shut the fuck up too Dr JeepJorp!”

Dr. JerpJoop “BuT mArRiAgE!”

Hym “Nope! After how many fat cocks? Precisely. Is it zero? Are they not supposed to fuck the fat cocks? What are the women supposed to do?”

Dr. PaulDaughter “.........”

Hym “Right. That’s what I thought. You’re not allowed to tell thing anything. They don’t need to do anything in life.... other than NOT destroy people’s reputations. Ok. 👌 Gotcha! We’re figuring it out. We got it all figured out over here. 🤦 ♂️ *SIGH!* Jesus Christ you people drive me crazy.”

by Hym Iam November 16, 2022


Rizz short slang for the word "Charisma"

He got a white boy rizz

by Kientmalungkotbohai December 15, 2022


Cool tall with style

My guy has some rizz

by QuaterX3 June 20, 2023