How French Canadians say: "Is that you?"
*Answering phone...Hello Claude, statue?
Claude: "ya it's me."
What children hear the very first time you introduce them to the Statue of Liberty, mainly because they've never heard the word "liberty" before but know good things come from a FedEx delivery.
Mom: "What did you learn at school today, Sweetheart?"
Kindergardner: "George Washington, the American flag and The Statue of Delivery."
The number of dicks one has sucked in the last 3 months divided by 4
My status number is 3.25( has sucked 13 dicks in the last 3 months)
Used when someone fully, agrees with what is being discussed. An affirmation of how one feels about a certain subject or occurrence.
Person 1: That car has an awesome paint job.
Person 2: Oh, now that's the status.
After using a sock as a jazz rag, proping said sock up, resembling a statue.
Look behind the entertainment center, next to the sock statue.