On a hot day, when sweat has accumulated down your ass crack, you drop your pants slightly and have someone blow air straight down your cheeks causing an evaporative cooler effect resulting an immediate drop in body temperature.
Tom was getting close to having a heat stroke so he had Tammy hook him up with a Boulder Highway Swamp Cooler to cool him off.
When you take your sweaty ass from a hard day of work and rub your asshole across somones nose
holy shit man i got swamp nosed last night when i passed out
1. The charity swamp rat dinner shouldn't be called a dinner. It should be called an eat.
2. The original name of the team was the NJ Swamp Rats.
It’s an up coming tv show about gay frogs.
Did you watch the cute update of swamp de la frog
Nickname for The Netherlands because it rains 300 days per year, is below sea level, is unpleasant, wet, miserable, and full of mosquitoes.
I live in Germany, not far from the border. My teens whenever we venture in that direction ”We have just entered the Swamp!”
when your girl swallows everytime and comes down with a chronic case of swamp lung